Professor Karina Vold has been named one of 100 "Brilliant Women in AI Ethics."
Professor Vold works at the intersection of Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Applied Ethics. She received her B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science from the University of Toronto and her Ph.D. in Philosophy from McGill University. Before joining the IHPST, she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligen
ce at the University of Cambridge.
In her recent work, Vold has written on the implications of theories of extended cognition, on responsible innovation in online therapy, and on the capabilities and risks of AI. Her current projects include researching the effects of AI on human cognition and autonomy, understanding the harms arising from targeted online ‘nudging’, evaluating arguments for existential threats from AI, and building frameworks for the ethical design of AI systems.
Drawing on this expertise, Professor Vold teaches the popular HPS300H1: Topics in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology: The Limits of Machine Intelligence.
Congratulations, Professor Vold!!!