Year 1:
- Six .5 FCE IHPST courses completed, with an A- average.
- One of these .5 FCE courses must be the Proseminar (HPS1000H), which is normally offered in the fall term. [Note: Students are automatically enrolled in HPS1000.]
- Two of these courses must be HPS1100Y. The proposal for the HPS1100Y paper (with the approval of the Supervisor) must be submitted to the graduate office by December 1. Guidelines for the HPS1100Y paper (and all forms related to the graduate program) can be found on the IHPST Graduate Student SharePoint Site.
- The HPS1100Y paper must be submitted to the graduate office by June 30.
Year 2:
- The Advisory Committee (consisting of the supervisor and two members of the IHPST graduate Faculty), which oversees events of the qualifying year), is selected. The form Establishment of the Advisory Committee is submitted to the graduate office. Completion date: October 31.
- The Specialist Exam Form, along with the preliminary reading list, is submitted to the graduate office by the end of the fall term.
- The reading list is submitted to the graduate office. Completion Date: January 31.
- Specialist Examination. Completion Date: April 30.
- Dissertation Proposal is approved by the Advisory Committee. The Thesis Approval Form is submitted to the graduate office. Completion date: July 31.
Year 3:
- Dissertation research.
- Research Requirement (and all forms related to the graduate program) can be found on the IHPST Graduate Student SharePoint Site. completed by April 30.
Year 4:
- Dissertation writing. Completed dissertation must be submitted to the graduate office two months prior to a scheduled dissertation defense. Completing the PhD in the 4-year window requires the submission of the dissertation by June 15.
Year 1:
- Six .5 FCE IHPST courses completed, with an A- average.
- One of these .5 FCE courses must be the Proseminar (HPS1000H), which is normally offered in the fall term. [Note: Students are automatically enrolled in HPS1000.]
Year 2:
- Six .5 FCE courses completed. Two of these .5 FCE courses must be HPS1100Y. The proposal for the HPS1100Y paper (with the approval of the supervisor) must be submitted to the graduate office by December 1. Guidelines for the HPS1100Y paper, the HPS 1100Y paper, and all forms related to the graduate program can be found on the IHPST Graduate Student SharePoint Site.
- The HPS1100Y paper must be submitted to the graduate office by June 30.
Year 3:
- The Advisory Committee (consisting of the supervisor and two members of the IHPST graduate faculty), which oversees events of the qualifying year), is selected and the official form (“Establishment of the Advisory Committee”) is submitted to the graduate office. Completion date: October 31.
- The Specialist Exam Form, along with the preliminary reading list, is submitted to the graduate office by the end of the fall term.
- The finalized reading list is submitted to the graduate office. Completion Date: January 31.
- Specialist Examination. Completion Date: April 30.
- Dissertation Proposal is approved by the Advisory Committee. The Thesis Approval Form is submitted to the graduate office. Completion date: July 31.
Year 4:
- Dissertation research.
- Research Requirement (and all forms related to the graduate program) can be found on the IHPST Graduate Student SharePoint Site. completed by April 30.
Year 5:
- Dissertation writing. Completed dissertation must be submitted to the graduate office two months prior to a scheduled dissertation defense. Completing the PhD in the 4-year window requires the submission of the dissertation by June 15.