Visit Award Explorer for information on all undergraduate scholarships and awards offered at the University. In addition, the following awards and fellowships are available to undergraduate students:
Pauline M.H. Mazumdar Prizes in the History of Medicine
The prizes may be awarded annually to undergraduate or graduate students registered at the University of Toronto for the best essays on any subject within the field of the history of medicine. Prizes may be awarded separately for graduate and undergraduate students.
Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS-M) Program
The CGS-M Program is available to fourth year undergraduate students intending to apply to the MA program. Financial information can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website.
Victoria College Research Day Prize: Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science Prize
Awarded to a project of original research that contributes to a deeper understanding of some important aspect of science, technology, engineering, or medicine through the use of humanistic modes of analysis, such as historical investigation, philosophical inquiry, or cultural interpretation.