Placements (2011-2023)

(NAP) = non-academic position
(TT) = tenure track or equivalent
(T) = tenured or equivalent
(P) = post-doc or fellowship
(V) = visiting assistant professor, lecturer, adjunct or equivalent




Dissertation Title



Fisher, Victoria     2023 Getting Down to Brass & Wax: The Material Culture of Physics at Canadian Universities, 1890-1939  Rebecca Woods/Chen-Pang Yeang Independent Scholar (NAP)

Yee, Adrian    






Signaling, Machine Learning, & Democracy: A Theory of Misinformation


Brian Baigrie

Position: Research Assistant Professor, Lingnan University (TT)

Cheng, Zhixiang



On the Explanatory and Interpretative Functions of Mathematical Models in Evolutionary Biology 

Denis Walsh

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (P)

Due, Austin 



Side Effects in Medicine: Definitions and Discovery

Ross Upshur 

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (V)

Duffee, Charlotte  



Fractures: A History and Philosophy of Patient Suffering in 20th-Century American Medicine

Edward Jones-Imhotep/Ross Upshur 

Postdoctoral Fellow, John and Daria Barry, Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University (P)

Fraser, Jennifer



The Cold War on Cancer: Inuit and the Canadian Epidemiological Imagination

Nikolai Krementsov

Postdoctoral Fellow, King's College London, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine (P)

Hua-Henning, Jan



Incendiary Cities: Fire and Technology in Germany and the U.S., 1840-1900

Rebecca Woods 

Assistant Professor, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Duke Kunshan University (TT)

Rupik, Greg



Evolutionary Metamorphic Organicism: A Romantic Philosophy of Biology for the Twenty-First Century 

Denis Walsh

Director, Office of the President, Secretary to the Collegium, University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto (NAP)

Sposini, Filippo 



  2022 The Certification of Insanity: Local Origins and Global Consequences Mark Solovey/Marga Vicedo Publishing Development Specialist, Frontiers Media, Lausanne, Switzerland/Italy (NAP)

Kasirzadeh, Atoosa



Applying Mathematics to the Natural and Social World

Jim Brown


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, U. of Edinburgh (TT)


Qidwai, Sarah



Sir Syed (1817-1898) and Science: The Place of Polymaths and Popularizers in Nineteenth-Century History of Science

Bernard Lightman

Postdoctoral Fellow, “Scientism and Empire.” University of Regensberg (P)


Mercuri, Mathew





Basing Clinical Decisions on GRADE Recommendations: Implications for Practice and Lessons Learned about Evidence


Brian Baigrie


Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, and Institute on Ethics & Policy on Innovation (McMaster University) (T)

Overgaard, Nicholas  



On the Collective Intentionality of Epistemic Communities 

Brian Baigrie 

Policy Analyst Ministry of Health Govermment of Ontario (NAP) 


Dragos, Ioan (Chris) 





A New Framework for Social & Collective Epistemology


Paul Thompson


Contract Lecturer, Ryerson U. (V)


Koester, Elizabeth





The Good Public: Eugenics and Law in Ontario, 1910 to 1938


Nikolai Krementsov


Instructor, Universtiy of Toronto (P)


Lussier, Kira





Personality, Incorporated: Psychological Capital in American Management, 1960-1995


Elspeth Brown/

Michelle Murphy


 Program Officer:  Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (P)


Richter, Adam





The Mathematical Minister: John Wallis (1616-1703) at the Intersection of Science, Mathematics, and


Yiftach Fehige


Associate Instructor, Brain Power Enrichment Programs Ltd. (V)


Schranz, Kristen





A New Narrative for ‘Keir’s Metal’: The Chemical and Commercial Transformations of James Keir’s Copper
Alloy, 1770-1820


Trevor Levere


Independent Scholar (NAP)


Stemeroff, Noah





Mathematics, Structuralism, and the Promise of Realism: A Study of the Ontological and Epistemological Implications of Mathematical Representation in the Physical Sciences


Jossi Berkovitz


Humboldt Fellow, jointly hosted by the Max Planck for the History of Science in Berlin and the University of Bonn's Lichtenberg group in History and Philosophy of Physics   (P)

Lewis, Cory



Medium-Strength Modality in Science

Denis Walsh

Assistant Professor (teaching-stream), Universtiy of Toronto 



Fulda, Fermin                                          





Natural Agency: An Ecological Approach


Denis Walsh


Sessional Lecturer, IHPST (July 1 – August 31, 2023) University of Toronto (P)


Thicke, Michael





Science-Market Analogies: A Philosophical Examination


Jossi Berkovitz


Web Developer, Humanities Commons (Michigan State University)


Greenham, Paul





A Concord of Alchemy with Theology: Isaac Newton’s Hermeneutics of the Symbolic Texts of “Chymistry” and
Biblical Prophecy


Yiftach Fehige


Full Stack Developer, LL Software Studio, Israel (P)


Lusk, Greg





Quantifying Nature: Epistemology for Climate Science


Margaret Morrison


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Durham University (TT)


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques





Science as Creole and Metaphor 


Brian Baigrie


Instructor & Special Advisor to the Office of the Dean Schulich School of Business York Universtiy (T)


Stuart, Mike





Thought Experiments in Science


Yiftach Fehige


Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung (NYCU) University (V)Ambizione Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva (P)


Belanger, Christopher (Chris)





On Philosophical Problems in the Foundations of Chaos Theory


Jossi Berkovitz


Data Scientist, Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, University of Ottawa (NAP)


Bolinska, Agnes





Epistemic Representation in Science and Beyond


Jossi Berkovitz


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of South Carolina (TT)


Gil-Riano, Sebastian





Historicizing Anti-racism: UNESCO’s Campaigns Against Race Prejudice in the 1950’s


Marga Vicedo


Assistant Professor, Dept. of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania (TT)


Koo, Alexander (Alex)





Mathematical Explanation in Science


Jim Brown


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Toronto (UTM) (TT)


Moore, Rebecca





Living Inventions: Genetically Modified Organisms and the Canadian Patent System, 1976-2004


Marga Vicedo


Senior Manager, Communications and Knowledge Mobilization, University of Guelph (NAP)


Nickerson, Sylvia





Paper Index of the Mind: The Book and Printed Culture of Mathematics in England and Canada, 1830-1930


Craig Fraser


Contract Lecturer, Dept. of History, McMaster University (V)


Virdi, Jaipreet





From the Hands of Quacks: Aural Surgery, Deafness, and the Making of a Surgical Specialty in 19th
Century London


Lucia Dacome


Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Delaware (TT)


Weidenhammer, Erich





Air, Disease, and Improvement in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Sir John Pringle, 1707-1782


Lucia Dacome/

Trevor Levere


Curator, University of Toronto Scientific Instruments Collection (NAP)


Wright, Aaron





More than Nothing: Histories of the Vacuum in Theoretical Physics, 1927-1981


Chen-Pang Yeang


Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Dalhousie University (TT)


Christopoulos, John





Abortion in Late-Renaissance Italy


Lucia Dacome


Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of British Columbia (T)

Hoffman, Michelle



Constructing School Science: Physics, Biology and Chemistry Education in Ontario High Schools, 1880-1940

Chen-Pang Yeang/

Yves Gingras

Assistant Director, Institute for Writing and Thinking, Bard College, NY (NAP)


Stoklosa, Anna





The Concept of Evidence in Health Technology Assessments


David Castle


Research Fellow, The University of Sydney, Australia (P)


Varma, Charissa





Beyond Set Theory: The Relationship between Logic and Taxonomy from the Early 1930 to 1960


Mary P. Winsor


Darwin Correspondent Project, University of Cambridge (P)


Barseghyan, Hakob





A Theory of Scientific Change


Brian Baigrie


Assistant Professor, Victoria College, University of Toronto (teaching stream)


Earnshaw-Whyte, Eugene





Modeling Evolution


Denis Walsh


Associate Professor, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology (T)


Gee, Teri





Strategies of Defending Astrology: A Continuing Tradition


Alex Jones


Manager, New Barlow Planetarium, Fox Cities Campus (V)


Hamilton, Vivien





Establishing Authority: The Role of Physics in the Development of Radiology in Canada, Britain, and the United States, 1896-1928


Chen-Pang Yeang


Associate Professor, History of Science, Harvey Mudd College, CA (T)


Kriger, Sarah





Fighting Ghosts, Playing Whist, and Fencing with Fire: Three Technologies of Illusion in Performance in Nineteenth-century London


Janis Langins


Lecturer, School of Professional Communication, Ryerson University (V)


Record, Isaac





Knowing Instruments: Design, Reliability, and Scientific Practice


Anjan Chakravartty


Academic Specialist, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, Michigan State University (V)

Abounader- Sofinowski, Brooke



Model Selection and Experiment Design: Case Studies and How They Relate

Brian Baigrie

Jim Brown

Operations Research Analyst, US Army Aberdeen Test Center (NAP)

Turner, Jonathan



The Defence Research Board of Canada, 1947 to 1977

Janis Langins

Career Educator, University of Toronto (NAP)

Gavrus, Delia



Men of Strong Opinions: Identity, Self-representation and the Performance of Neurosurgery, 1919-1950

Lucia Dacome/

Pauline M.H. Mazumdar

Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Research Chair, The University of Winnipeg (T)


Hamm, Elizabeth





Ptolemy’s Planetary Theory: An English Translation of Book One, Part A of the Planetary Hypotheses with Introduction and Commentary


Alex Jones


Associate Professor, Integral Liberal Arts, Saint Mary’s College of California (T)


Liu, Patricia





Creating Controversy: Science Writers, Corporate Funders, and Non-expert Scientists in the Debate over Prions (1982-1997)


Pauline M.H. Mazumdar


Medical Writer and Editor for Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) (NAP)


Miller, Boaz





A Social Theory of Knowledge


Anjan Chakravartty


Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Community Informatics, Zefat Academic College (T)


Ramsingh, Brigit





The History of International Food Safety Standards and the Codex Alimentarius, 1955-1995


Lucia  Dacome/Pauline M.H. Mazumdar


Senior Lecturer, U. of Central Lancashire (T)