Director’s Advisory Committee
Edward Jones-Imhotep, IHPST (ex officio), Chair
Denis Walsh, IHPST/PHL (ex officio)
Rebecca Woods, IHPST/HIS (ex officio)
Colloquia Coordinator
Mark Solovey, IHPST (Fall 2024)
Denis Walsh, IHPST/PHL (Winter 2025)
Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee
Rebecca Woods, IHPST/HIS (ex officio), Chair
Karina Vold, IHPST
Denis Walsh, IHPST/PHL
Chen-Pang Yeang, IHPST
Kathy Howat, Undergraduate and Graduate Administrator, IHPST (ex officio)
Graduate Program Committee
Rebecca Woods (ex officio), Chair
Chen-Pang Yeang, IHPST
Adrien Zakar, IHPST/NMC
Rachel Katz, PhD student, IHPST
Katherine Howat, Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Assistant, IHPST (ex officio)
Joint Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee
Regular Members
Joseph Berkovitz, IHPST (Fall Term)
Yiftach Fehige, IHPST (Winter Term)
Silvia Castillo Vergara, PhD Student, IHPST
Christer Bruun, CLA (Fall Term)
Jonathan Burgess, CLA (Winter Term), Chair
Donald McCarthy, Graduate Student, CLA
Brent Miles, CMS
Cory Lewis, IHPST
Walid Saleh, CMS
Jarret Welsh, CLA
May Funds Committee
Edward Jones-Imhotep, IHPST (ex officio), Chair
Ellen Abrams, IHPST
Joseph Berkovitz, IHPST (Fall Term 2024)
Karina Vold, IHPST (Winter Term 2025)
Pauline M.H. Mazumdar Prizes in the History of Medicine Committee
Pauline M.H. Mazumdar, Professor Emeritus, IHPST, Chair
Lucia Dacome, IHPST (ex officio) (Fall Term 2024)
Adrien Zakar, IHPST/NMC (Winter Term 2025)
Ph.D. Exam Chair Committee
Joseph Berkovitz, IHPST
Yiftach Fehige IHPST
Marga Vicedo, IHPST (Fall Term 2024)
Placement Officer
Marga Vicedo, IHPST (Fall Term 2024)
Chen-Pang Yeang, IHPST (Winter Term 2025)
Promotions Committee
Edward Jones-Imhotep, IHPST (ex officio), Chair
Yiftach Fehige, IHPST
Nikolai Krementsov, IHPST
Rhonda McEwen, CCIT/Victoria University
Denis Walsh, IHPST/PHL
Chen-Pang Yeang, IHPST
PTR Committee
Edward Jones-Imhotep/IHPST, (ex officio), Chair
Elise Burton/IHPST
Cory Lewis, IHPST
Research Seminar Coordinator
Lucia Dacome, IHPST (Fall Term 2024)
Karina Vold, IHPST (Winter Term 2025)
Teaching Assistant and Course Instructor (Unit 1) Appointments Committee
Denis Walsh, IHPST/PHL (ex officio), Chair
Edward Jones-Imhotep, IHPST (ex officio)
Rebecca Woods, IHPST/HIS (ex officio)
Kathy Howat, Undergraduate and Graduate Administrator, IHPST (ex officio)
Muna Salloum, Business Manager and Executive Assistant to the Director (ex officio)
Undergraduate Program Committee
Denis Walsh, IHPST (ex officio), Chair
Ira Wells, Victoria College (ex officio)
Elise Burton, IHPST
Stephanie Cui, President, HPSUS (ex officio)
Katherine Howat, Undergraduate and Graduate Administrator (ex officio)