Undergraduate Program Requirements

Students are encouraged to meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies prior to registering for this degree.

7 full courses or their equivalent

First year (recommended)

One 0.5 FCE from any 100-level HPS courses; up to 1.0 FCE at the 100 level will count towards the major.

Higher years (required)

Additional HPS courses, to a total of 7.0 FCEs, to be chosen from any HPS courses (including JHE353H1, JHE355H1, JPH311H1) and meeting the following requirements:

At least 1.0 FCEs at the 200+ level.

At least 2.0 FCEs at the 300+ level, 0.5 of which must be at the 400 level.

This program has unlimited enrolment and no specific admission requirements. All students who have completed at least 4.0 courses are eligible to enrol.

4 full courses or their equivalent

Recommended: 0.5 FCE from any HPS100-level courses. Up to 1.0 FCE HPS courses at the 100 level will count towards the minor.

Recommended: at least 0.5 FCE from any HPS 200-level courses.

Additional HPS courses (including JHE353H1, JHE355H1, JPH311H1), to a total of 4.0 FCEs, with at least 1.0 FCE at the 300+ level.

Enrolment Requirements

This is an open enrolment program offered jointly with Victoria College. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program. For a comprehensive overview of the program, visit the Victoria College STS program webpage.

Completion Requirements

The Minor in Science and Society is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the different ways science and technology shape modern society and, in turn, how society shapes science and technology. From the food we eat to the way we conceive family relations or our obligations to future generations, our daily practices and our beliefs are increasingly influenced by scientific research and its applications. In turn, politics, public opinion, moral beliefs and cultural practices affect scientific and technological development. Courses in this program address such topics as science and values, science-related policy and politics, ethical uses of technology, scientific revolutions and controversies, modeling and communication of scientific research, and knowledge transfer from research to commercial and societal applications. 

(4.0 FCEs, including at least 1.0 FCE at 300+ level)


1.0 FCE from: VIC206H1, VIC207H1, VIC242H1, VIC245H1, VIC274H1, VIC343H1, VIC493H1Y (Science Capstone). Students who achieve at least 77% in VIC121H1, VIC122H1, VIC170Y1or VIC172Y1 may count up to 1.0 FCE from these courses towards this requirement.

1.0 FCE from: HPS110H1, HPS202H1, HPS210H1, HPS211H1, HPS222H1, HPS245H1, HPS260H1, HPS270H1, HPS272H1, HPS303H1, HPS307H1, HPS318H1, HPS319H1, HPS324H1, HPS345H1, HPS346H1, HPS401H1, HPS402H1, HPS430H1, HPS431H1, HPS440H1, HPS450H1

An additional 0.5 FCE from program requirements (2) and (3) above.

An additional 1.0 FCE from program requirements (2) and (3) above and/or from the approved list of cognate courses: ANT358H1, ANT364H1, BIO220H1, EEB215H1, ENV200H1, ETH220H1, GGR223H1, GGR321H1/​ JIG322H1, JGE321H1, PHL273H1, PHL281H1, PHL373H1, PHL381H1, PHL384H1, PSY328H1, WGS275H1