Sylvia Nickerson

Sylvia Nickerson

First Name: 
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Sessional Lecturer
Biography : 

Dr. Nickerson completed her PhD in history of mathematics at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto in 2014. She was a postdoctoral researcher at York University from 2014-2017 where she worked on the editorial project The Correspondence of John Tyndall and Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum. She is currently content editor of the Bulletin of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics.  Her academic homepage link to  contains more information about her academic work.   

As well as teaching history of mathematics courses at University of Toronto and McMaster University Sylvia has published two books of comics art one of which won a Doug Wright Award for Canadian cartooning. She was Artist in Residence at the Art Gallery of Hamilton during 2020-2021.

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Areas of Interest: 

History of Mathematics
